Inter-Club The Rock vs. Simsbury Farms Tee Sheet

The Rock vs. Simsbury Farms - Sat, July 20

Rockledge GC / Blue
Time Players
Rockledge GC
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allen, Nick
8:00 AM Blue Dwyer, Woody + Victor, Stephen + Whedon, Web
Belfiore, Paul
8:30 AM Blue Dunleavy, Brian + Pasternack, Kevin + Sack, Norm
Campasano, Jim
7:40 AM Blue Connelly, John + Fitzsimmons, Mark + Johanson, Jadon
Christopher, Matt
7:30 AM Blue Coursey, Ryan + Silva, Luis + Stone, Noubar
Connelly, John
7:40 AM Blue Campasano, Jim + Fitzsimmons, Mark + Johanson, Jadon
Corcoran, Dan
8:50 AM Blue Derubbo, Gerald + Deslauriers, Norbert + Murphy, Peter
Coursey, Ryan
7:30 AM Blue Christopher, Matt + Silva, Luis + Stone, Noubar
Cyr, Jim
8:40 AM Blue Phu, Don + Reynolds, Joseph + Waggoner, Andy
Derubbo, Gerald
8:50 AM Blue Corcoran, Dan + Deslauriers, Norbert + Murphy, Peter
Deslauriers, Norbert
8:50 AM Blue Corcoran, Dan + Derubbo, Gerald + Murphy, Peter
Dunleavy, Brian
8:30 AM Blue Belfiore, Paul + Pasternack, Kevin + Sack, Norm
Dwyer, Woody
8:00 AM Blue Allen, Nick + Victor, Stephen + Whedon, Web
Emmons, Arthuur
8:10 AM Blue Kantor, Charles + Lenkiewicz, Bob + Manchuck, Bill
Fitch, Matt
8:20 AM Blue O'toole, James + Petrone, Joe + Unver, Dennis
Fitzsimmons, Mark
7:40 AM Blue Campasano, Jim + Connelly, John + Johanson, Jadon
Foster, Kevin
7:50 AM Blue Kraczkowsky, Bruce + Lopes, Barry + Ruth, Steve
Johanson, Jadon
7:40 AM Blue Campasano, Jim + Connelly, John + Fitzsimmons, Mark
Kantor, Charles
8:10 AM Blue Emmons, Arthuur + Lenkiewicz, Bob + Manchuck, Bill
Kraczkowsky, Bruce
7:50 AM Blue Foster, Kevin + Lopes, Barry + Ruth, Steve
Leblanc, Kenneth
9:00 AM Blue Schuster, Mickey + Skaret, Steve + Somen, Steve
Lenkiewicz, Bob
8:10 AM Blue Emmons, Arthuur + Kantor, Charles + Manchuck, Bill
Lopes, Barry
7:50 AM Blue Foster, Kevin + Kraczkowsky, Bruce + Ruth, Steve
Manchuck, Bill
8:10 AM Blue Emmons, Arthuur + Kantor, Charles + Lenkiewicz, Bob
Murphy, Peter
8:50 AM Blue Corcoran, Dan + Derubbo, Gerald + Deslauriers, Norbert
O'toole, James
8:20 AM Blue Fitch, Matt + Petrone, Joe + Unver, Dennis
Pasternack, Kevin
8:30 AM Blue Belfiore, Paul + Dunleavy, Brian + Sack, Norm
Petrone, Joe
8:20 AM Blue Fitch, Matt + O'toole, James + Unver, Dennis
Phu, Don
8:40 AM Blue Cyr, Jim + Reynolds, Joseph + Waggoner, Andy
Reynolds, Joseph
8:40 AM Blue Cyr, Jim + Phu, Don + Waggoner, Andy
Ruth, Steve
7:50 AM Blue Foster, Kevin + Kraczkowsky, Bruce + Lopes, Barry
Sack, Norm
8:30 AM Blue Belfiore, Paul + Dunleavy, Brian + Pasternack, Kevin
Schuster, Mickey
9:00 AM Blue Leblanc, Kenneth + Skaret, Steve + Somen, Steve
Silva, Luis
7:30 AM Blue Christopher, Matt + Coursey, Ryan + Stone, Noubar
Skaret, Steve
9:00 AM Blue Leblanc, Kenneth + Schuster, Mickey + Somen, Steve
Somen, Steve
9:00 AM Blue Leblanc, Kenneth + Schuster, Mickey + Skaret, Steve
Stone, Noubar
7:30 AM Blue Christopher, Matt + Coursey, Ryan + Silva, Luis
Unver, Dennis
8:20 AM Blue Fitch, Matt + O'toole, James + Petrone, Joe
Victor, Stephen
8:00 AM Blue Allen, Nick + Dwyer, Woody + Whedon, Web
Waggoner, Andy
8:40 AM Blue Cyr, Jim + Phu, Don + Reynolds, Joseph
Whedon, Web
8:00 AM Blue Allen, Nick + Dwyer, Woody + Victor, Stephen